Leaving Pisay

When one passes the NCE (National Competitive Exam), there is joy. It’s just right that you enroll in Pisay (Philippine Science High School), right?

 When I was 13 years old, I passed the NCE.

My parents and I were ecstatic. We were so happy that we didn’t think of the long-term effects of Pisay on us. After a while, my parents doubted sending me off to Pisay.

I still enrolled in Pisay.

On the first day, I got to know my classmates and dorm mates. I was bursting with joy because I had new friends! I couldn’t believe it, I was having a good time despite being away from home!

Then, realization and sadness kicks in.

“Is this how I’m gonna spend my weekdays for 6 years? Studying away from my family?”

I loved Pisay so much. I met a lot of friends that I am sure I will keep on meeting in the future. The education was fun, and I really learned a lot!

But I missed my family and friends at home, and I was constantly tired. I had no more energy to do the things that I loved. And I have come to despise Mondays so much.

When I was about to move up to 8th grade, our adviser spoke to us. He told us, “Do what you love, no matter what you have to sacrifice for it. If you do what you love, you will truly prosper. And whatever you guys decide to do, I’ll support you”.

We were all really moved by what he said, and it always stuck with us.

8th grade was difficult. Our time schedules were changes and the number of subjects a day increased. I was always at school from 6am to 4pm, and it was tiring. My classmates and I would be so tired at the end of the day, but we still had lots of requirements to complete.

I didn’t want to spend my remaining high school years like this.

And I was not sure I would pick a STEM course for college.

I really wanted to move schools, but I was worried about the payment we’ll have to pay when I move.

And how others will think of me.

I really thought that this was final. I thought, “I’ll never be able to move thanks to my pride”.

In the middle of 8th grade, my parents offered to move me to another school, and they gave me time to think about it.

I desperately wanted to move school! But I was bombarded with “what ifs”. I was conflicted.

But, thanks to the encouraging words of my batch mates, I was able to decide.

“I will move to another school at the end of the school year,” I said with finality.

With that, I was ready to make my 2nd year in Pisay one of my best years. I studied hard so that I would be able to make the Director’s List one last time.

But of course, things never go how we plan it’ll go.

On January 12, 2020, Taal Volcano exploded. Because of this, class was suspended for 2 weeks. And in that 2 weeks, my parents and I decided to pull me out of class.

I said my goodbyes to my Pisay friends and teachers.

“I’m sad that I have to leave everyone behind, but I’m also relieved that I’m free from Pisay now.”

 Right now, I’m still adjusting to leaving Pisay. But I’m really happy that I get to do the stuff that I love and that I have more time for my family and friends.

Thank you, Lord, for guiding me to making this decision.

Wish me luck, guys!

Yay! More sleep!

(By Ate Bubut)

(Featured Picture taken in PSHS CBZRC Cafeteria on February 2, 2020.)

13 thoughts on “Leaving Pisay”

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply, but yes, we did pay pisay for the termination of the contract.

      1. May I know how much did you pay for every school year ? They say it’s only the allowances that you need to pay . Is this true ?

        1. Hi! Sorry for a late reply. Around 77K for two years po yung actual but the estimate that was given to us was approximately 40K per school year that a student stayed with them.

        1. Hi! Sorry for a late reply. Around 77K for two years po yung actual but the estimate that was given to us was approximately 40K per school year that a student stayed with them. My child was there for gr7 and gr8.

    1. Hi! Sorry for a late reply. Around 77K for two years po yung actual but the estimate that was given to us was approximately 40K per school year that a student stayed with them. My child was there gr7-8 (but we pulled her out after 1st half of gr8))

    1. Hi! We asked the registrar’s office about it, and then they told us to give a letter of withdrawal with explanation. Then they gave us an estimate on how much we needed to pay. After paying, it was followed by an exit interview with their academic head. That’s it! 🙂

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