Nothing much happened this day. I went to my Orglab class and then we went home. But before that, there is the highlight of my day. We ate a YELLOWCAB pizza! (yummy!) We got a 14″ New York’s Finest pizza.

JE and I always enjoy eating at this pizza parlor. The aroma and delectable taste is really excellent!
We were so full by the time we had 7 slices (JE ate 4, and I had 3). Our stomachs were not able to handle the last one, so we just brought it home.

You know what’s funny when we arrived at our house? There’s pizza waiting for us! The husband of my sister-in-law brought home some from Pizza Hut. It’s quite unusual for a day. Two pizza treats!

I declare this day a PIZZA Day! 🙂

Will you please listen first?!

The start of my week is fine, but my Monday class is not so enjoyable. I like the class, but most of them don’t want to listen in my discussion. They’re so eager to start to finish the lab session early. I guess it’s better if I don’t do a pre-lab discussion anymore. But if I don’t do that, they won’t know what to do.

Zoe’s so happy with the goodies that I’ve bought for her birthday party.

Orientation, New Faces, a Wound and Cheesecakes

Work related scoop…

It’s been a week since the classes started in our school. I have five lab. classes for this term, which means that I’m at school everyday. The first week was spent on orientation and memorizing the names of the students. The discussion was still relaxed, but I know this will be more intense as we start the experiments. I’ve just realized how confusing it is when you’re handling a lot of classes. You have to know the section and schedule of this student, so that when you meet him in class, you’ll call him with the right name, stuffs like that. I have to get used to it, and also to preparing lessons everyday.

Family related scoop…

Zoe has a wound on her right knee, she got this when we went to Batangas to attend my cousin’s wake. It’s drying up, and it’s on the stage where the top part is quite itchy. I know that Zoe can feel this itchiness already, that’s why I always let her wear pants.

JE had won a Zen V Plus mp3 player and it can store up to 2G info. His entry in one of their company’s contest on designing a site for one of their products was chosen due to its functionality. I’m very proud of him.

I’ve always liked to bake and try new recipes. As I was looking at baking sites for something to try in the near future, I got this recipe on how to make mini chocolate cherry cheesecakes. It looks really yummy, and I wish I’d have the time to do it this weekend or next week. Anyway, a picture of the finished product is shown at the right top part of this entry.