I’ve sent an email to ACTS today. It contains my explanation on why I did not make it to the scheduled exam and interview yesterday. I got a reply after a few hours. They still want me to try the job. The managing director is telling me that this thing is for the summer and since I will not have teaching load during this time, this job will help me to get through summer financially. Should I try it? Hmmm….
ACTS Exam or World Chicken…. I chose the latter, haha! :)
I went to Ortigas and planned to take the ACTS application exam. I was late for it, so I decided not to take it. Instead, I met up with JE and we had lunch together at the food court. Guess what we had for lunch?! We ate the super yummy chicken from the World Chicken!
What a relief!
I thought Sir P is saying something not good about me, but as I’ve learned, he just said that the part time cannot use J310 anymore. Whew! I thought it’s much more than that! What a relief!
Now, I need to do the revisions in my proposal, need to finish it tonight.
If you can’t say something nice, just shut your mouth.
I finally finished my proposal! Sir P. said something not nice about me today. Though I didn’t hear my friend exactly say it, but by his words, I know this senior of mine did say something that I don’t want to hear.
Pregnant or not?!
This is my last day to work on my proposal.
Everyone in the department thinks that I’m pregnant. I know that I’m not, but their worrying makes me confused. I need to take another pregnancy test. The last time I did it, I bent the strip so I’m not sure if its positive or not.
Need to wind up my clock…
This day is about to end, but I haven’t done a paragraph in my proposal. Why do I find it hard to finish it? I have all the research materials, but my heart is not in it. I think I have to wind up my clock to focus more on the task at hand.
Note: I made two designs for my scrapbooking hobby
The clock is ticking….what am I waiting for?
Time is running out. I have to get started on my proposal. Dr. Guidote is counting on me. Why do I keep on postponing it? I said I’ll work on it last week, but I haven’t even written a word about it. I need to keep my focus. I want to finish my MS this summer.
Teary-eyed after watching Mona Lisa Smile
I know it’s a bit late to write a short review on Mona Lisa Smile, but it’s better late than never, right?
As 2008 starts, my husband and I agreed to have a movie night every Saturday night. We’ll buy our favorite VCDs every week for the movie night. We’ll just get the cheap ones, so naturally it would be an old movie.
Since he’ll be having his high school reunion on a Saturday night, we decided to do our movie night on Friday. He volunteered to pick the movie, and when he went home, he has a Mona Lisa Smile VCD on his hand.
Honestly speaking, I didn’t like to watch it at first, but since he chose the movie, I decided to give it a try. I was not mistaken by my decision to watch it. It’s a good movie. It’s about Katherine Ann Watson, a teacher whose role is played by Julia Roberts, and she wanted to make a difference in the lives of 50’s Wellesley girls. She’s a terrific and free-thinking art professor who taught the students to enjoy life. Being an emotional watcher that I am, I became teary-eyed when the movie ended. I particularly liked the part where the students made paintings for Ms. Watson. This scene showed that the students finally learned how to appreciate their professor’s way of teaching them to live their lives to the fullest, to be happy and do what you really want. I dedicate this movie to all the teachers who are true to their profession and who are aware of their critical role in shaping the lives of their students.
Also included in the movie are Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Ginnifer Goodwin.
This is our first movie in our Weekend night movie series. I give Mona Lisa Smile four out of five stars.
Yey! It’s December!
Today is the first day of December. Christmas is coming! Yey! I’ve always been so excited about Christmas. Why? It’s because of the festivities, gifts and relaxation that come along with this part of the year.
I am a capricorn, and my birthday falls on the 23rd of December. Every year, my birthday gift and christmas gift are rolled out into one. This is the disadvantage of having your birthday close to Christmas day. If there’s a disadvantage, there’s also the good part of it. Since it’s vacation every time I celebrate my birthday, I don’t get to treat all of my friends, so less cash are spent. I usually spend my birthday with my family. Now that I have JE and Zoe in my life, celebrating my birthday is more fun and exciting. I wonder what will happen this year…hmmm…
I’m so excited that it’s December!
One month to go
I only have one month to study for the comprehensive exams. Time is running out…got to focus and follow my schedule strictly.