What a day!

I was on the bus already when my colleague told me that classes are suspended from 9AM onwards due to typhoon Egay. Oh my! I need to give a pre-final test to my EK2 students, and I have to give the abstract for our paper to Dr. Guidote. It’s quite disappointing to know about this suspension of classes, but what can I do? The good thing is, faculty can still go inside the campus, so it’s okay. But then, traffic got heavy to the point that the vehicles are not stagnant to their positions! To make it worst, my celphone has no load to make a text message! Since I’m quite near to Makati and JE’s almost done with his work, I’ve decided to walk even if it’s raining. The walking part is not that hard, because the rain is not really strong. Then some men shouted that they’re offering a ride going to MRT for only Php20.00, I decided to give it a try since I’ll be going with six other passengers. During the whole trip, we we’re riding on a wagon type of vehicle which is pushed by two men and called a “trolley”. It’s quite scary because we passed the squatter’s area, plus I didn’t know if the trolley is sturdy enough to bring us safe to our destination. Finally, we got to Magallanes. I didn’t get my change, may be it’s because I’m quite afraid that I’ll be left alone with the men who pushed the trolley…they’re quite scary to look at, believe me! I walked a little more distance to get to the main road, then I rode on a bus. To my dismay, it’s route will not go through the Ayala MRT station, so I have to walk back to Ayala. I feel so stupid for not asking the bus conductor if they’ll pass thru the Ayala station. Anyway, I got to Ayala, and I’ve waited for JE at Landmark. We bought some food and headed back home. Our trip was another 3-hour warming of the butt at the not-so-comfy bus seat. And then finally, we made it to our house! What a day!

The highlight of the day is my new experience which is riding on a trolley. Though it’s fun and made my travel faster, I think I won’t do it again. I’m not really sure about it’s safety, both the vehicle and the men who go with it look not so trustworthy. I thank God that I made it to Magallanes.

My Lot

I’ve been thinking of ways to earn extra money, and then I came across the page of My Lot. About the site, I find it nice and interesting. It helps me share my insights on different matters and I got to earn points at the same time. Though I haven’t redeemed my earnings yet, I enjoy visiting this website. It is a good venue for sharing stories and interests. I highly recommend this for everybody, especially for moms like me.

Migrating or not?

In the past few days, I’ve been convincing my husband that we should migrate to Australia as soon as possible. I told him that we should do it asap so that we could settle already. If we continue to live here in the Philippines, it would be hard to migrate especially if we have investments already.
It was only yesterday that everything became clear to me. He confirmed that he’s open to the idea of migration, but then he wants to prove something here first. I agree to his position. Talking to him is like an eye opener experience. He has so many insights on everything that’s playing in my mind, and every time I think of the things that he say, I keep realizing that he’s right. After our conversation yesterday, I realized that I should stop convincing him because we should live in the present and we’ll just see what’s in store for us in the future.

Orientation, New Faces, a Wound and Cheesecakes

Work related scoop…

It’s been a week since the classes started in our school. I have five lab. classes for this term, which means that I’m at school everyday. The first week was spent on orientation and memorizing the names of the students. The discussion was still relaxed, but I know this will be more intense as we start the experiments. I’ve just realized how confusing it is when you’re handling a lot of classes. You have to know the section and schedule of this student, so that when you meet him in class, you’ll call him with the right name, stuffs like that. I have to get used to it, and also to preparing lessons everyday.

Family related scoop…

Zoe has a wound on her right knee, she got this when we went to Batangas to attend my cousin’s wake. It’s drying up, and it’s on the stage where the top part is quite itchy. I know that Zoe can feel this itchiness already, that’s why I always let her wear pants.

JE had won a Zen V Plus mp3 player and it can store up to 2G info. His entry in one of their company’s contest on designing a site for one of their products was chosen due to its functionality. I’m very proud of him.

I’ve always liked to bake and try new recipes. As I was looking at baking sites for something to try in the near future, I got this recipe on how to make mini chocolate cherry cheesecakes. It looks really yummy, and I wish I’d have the time to do it this weekend or next week. Anyway, a picture of the finished product is shown at the right top part of this entry.

Always expect the unexpected

The first trimester for the school year 2007-2008 starts today. How’s my first class? It’s fine but I’ve been shocked to know that one of my students is the middle child of our Head Laboratory Coordinator! Ain’t it shocking? What’s worst is that I didn’t recognize the student. His surname is familiar, for that’s also my maiden name, that’s why it catched my attention. When I went back to our deparment, he was there saying “hi” to me. I feel stupid for not having a clue about his being in my class. Now I’m starting to feel the pressure of having a student whose mother is in-charge of checking if the laboratory instructors are doing what they’re asked to do. I just didn’t expect this. Oh well, I think I should get used to it. Ignore this intimidating feeling and focus on my job.

Milk shakes, Fish balls and a Bad News

I had a wonderful day with JE and Zoe today. We did our laundry today, and we had mango shake and fish balls for afternoon snack. We lay down on the floor while watching cartoons. All we did were to eat and watch TV… in short, we’re bums today. What a funny way of putting it. This is how we spend quality time with Zoe when we don’t want to go out because we have no money. We don’t have money either because we’re saving for something or because we don’t have extra cash to spend on eating at fancy restaurants and making a trip to the mall. My husband is a fan of the idea of staying at home, eating and catching up on favorite TV series. Well, I’d say I’m becoming more used to it, and I’m starting to love it, too.

Just after we had our afternoon snack, my mother sent me a text message, informing me that my cousin had an accident
and didn’t survive the tragedy. I was so shocked. I didn’t know what to say. We were just exchanging text messages a few days ago just after Mother’s day. I didn’t expect that would be my last conversation with her. I love this girl. She was the one whom I’d look for every time I went to Batangas during my childhood years even up to my teenage years. I’d ask permission to sleep at their house and chat with her all night long. She lent me all the toys and nice stuffs that she had. When she became a mom, she even asked me to be her son’s godmother. I’m really surprised and saddened by her too-soon death. If I’ve known that I’ll never see her again, I should have told her about my gratitude for those wonderful memories we had during our early years. But I was not able to tell her that, I’m just hoping she’ll hear my prayers. Thank you for being a great cousin to me. I promise to be good to your son. May you find peace in God’s love in the eternal life.

Punta Fuego, IDP, and Zoe’s new Barbie dolls

I haven’t updated by blog for days, so i need to catch up.

Last week, we spent our weekend at Punta Fuego (courtesy of my sister-in-law). The place was nice, but as expected, we did not get inside the room where we’re staying easily. We had a long drive going to the place, and when we arrived there, we had to wait for the room to be ready. When we went swimming, I saw the happiness in Zoe’s eyes, and that made me forgot the earlier hassles. The experience at Punta Fuego was fun and luxurious. For more of the pics, you can visit my multiply.

Earlier today, we went to Makati for the IDP exhibition. Since the event is free, I grabbed the opportunity. There were a number of Australian schools in the exhibit including the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and University of Newcastle. I enjoyed the seminar and the exhibit. I just wish one of these schools would give me a scholarship.

Also today, we bought Barbie dolls for Zoe. She’s a big fan of “The Twelve Dancing Princesses“. Since my husband is so in to buying one of the 12 princesses’ dolls, I eventually gave in to the idea. Even though Zoe was sleepy when we went to the Barbie shop, we still saw her excitement upon having her new dolls. We bought the box which contains Hadley and Isla, because they have the spinning effects. I’m just wondering, are we spoiling our daughter? Maybe, but there’s nothing compared to seeing those twinkling eyes of Zoe when she’s delighted with a thing. I’ll just try to convince my hubby not to buy another Barbie in the next few months.